Thursday, July 8, 2010

Post Secret

I am assuming that you know about Post Secret. Seeing that it is one of the most well known blogs in the world and if you are reading my rinky-dink blog then you must have read post secret. It is run by a man named Frank who recieved postcards from everyone around the world with their secrets written on them.
I will admit, I have sent one. And if you haven't, you really should. The second my postcard hit that mailbox and I knew I couldn't retrieve it I felt a sense of panic. My secret was out! Then relief, my secret is out! Then laughter, it's not my secret anymore! Whatever mail carrier or sorter who read my secret while it was on it's was to Frank got a glimpse into a stranger's deepest secret...mine! I don't expect to see it on the blog. Maybe it will be in one of the books he publishes but I don't care. I wrote my secret down and sent it out...maybe it's therapy or maybe I'm just dramatic but either way it was a pretty cool experience.
There are some interesting secrets. They range from funny (I switched tickets with the car next to mine and my ticket got paid!) sad, (I get up early before the kids to get rid of the beer bottle so they don't know how much their dad drinks) tragic (I think of my aborted child every time I see the war in Iraq) joyful (sometimes I get so happy I think I'm going to explode!) shocking (I cheated my way through medical school) to victorious (I didn't kill myself last night...and am happy I didn't). If you haven't already you should check it out...
Send one in to Frank...


  1. I love Post Secrets, but I've never had the guts to send my own in. I'd be afraid that, as widely read as that blog is, someone I know will read my secret, and that they'll somehow know it was me, and then I'd never be able to get that secret back. So good on you for having the courage to be that anonymously open!

  2. Thanks! and I think the reason I sent mine in was because I am kinda hoping that the person who my secret was about knows sees it and knows that it is kinda the opposite of you lol
