Sunday, December 5, 2010

That Darn Poncho!

Just bought this poncho thing today (I need to stop shopping!)
I bought it with my early morning surfing sessions in mind. Ya know, just to throw over my bathing suit when it's cold before the sun comes out and what not.

Anyhoo after I bought it I said to my friend, "I am gonna wear this on New Years and sulk so everyone will know I am upset." ((sidenote: I will NOT be home on new years which I am quite mad about so yes I am planning out my sulking))

Is it weird that this poncho makes me feel dark? Like I am wearing it now and I am like semi-depressed! I don't really have a reason to be and I love this jacket (super comfy).

It's like "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"
-its a poncho
-I am not sharing it with anyone
-I am not traveling
-I do not foresee it making flawless,hot,exotic men swoon over a girl in a poncho

...ok so it is not at all like that movie but I swear this Poncho has Powers!
Maybe it's because it's a guy's jacket. (yea second post on something I bought in the men's section but I swear that's it I wear girl clothes)

I want to take it off and see if my somber mood clears up
But it's SO COMFY and I like feeling mellow!

Everyone has a piece of clothing like this right? A mood changer?