Sunday, November 27, 2011

I was ment to tread the water...but now I've gotten in too deep

Thank you to everyone who has commented about finding someone new and moving all are too right :)

Something totally random happened today and honestly once I type it out it will probably sound very verrrrry dumb but I am kinda procrastinating studying right now so I am going to go ahead and do it lol

I have this two-finger ring that my friend gave me and it is very VERY snug, like a size or two small haha but I love it so I am wearing it

I took it off while I was flipping through my book and when I put it back on while I walked to the bathroom it got stuck (lol like REALLY STUCK)

It doesn't help that I got this ring the last time I saw the guy I've been posting about so whenever I look at it I see him...

But while I was tugging at it to come off I start thinking it is like him hold on me, as much as I do not want it on me IT WON'T COME OFF!! I had a tiny silent freak-out while I tried to pull it off but it was like literally cemented to my finger!

I finish my business (lol sorry just part of the story) and I go to wash my hands and the ring slides off like it was 3 sizes too big :)

This made me smile because no matter how hopeless I feel and like I will never get someone off my mind or something off my will come off easier than expected

When I find someone better

or water :)

Ok I came back to edit this post because I started fooling around with the ring again and got it stuck...but had no yanking it off took WAAAY longer and was VERY painful...

Same as letting go of him.
Since I have no one else (water) it will be harder to let him go and more painful but I have to do it to protect myself from further harm
(my finger was losing feeling!!)

1 comment:

  1. That is a great comparison. Wow. That was . . . a very good story. I completely agree with you too.
